Roswell wants your input on the Grimes Bridge Road Corridor

April 21, 2022
1 min read
The City of Roswell will host two public meetings to gather input from residents on the Grimes Bridge Road Corridor Improvement Project.

ROSWELL — The City of Roswell will host two public meetings to gather input from residents on the Grimes Bridge Road Corridor Improvement Project.

This project seeks to provide safety and operation improvements along Grimes Bridge Road from Oxbo Road to Dogwood Road, as well as portions of Dogwood Road and Old Dogwood Road.

The meetings will take place on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 5:30 PM
    Adult Recreation Center Ballroom
    830 Grimes Bridge Road
    Roswell, GA 30075
  • Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 12:00 PM
    Virtual Meeting via Zoom

The purpose of the first round of public meetings is to gather input on concerns about this corridor. Residents will be invited to learn about and respond to traffic-calming measures, like median islands and curb and gutter, which encourage drivers to use slower speeds and promote the safety of all road users. 

Public feedback and involvement at the public meetings will be vital in developing a project concept along this corridor.

The Grimes Bridge Road Corridor Improvement Project is one of the City of Roswell’s TSPLOST 2 projects. TSPLOST 2 the second round of the Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax, a ¾-of-one-penny sales tax that was approved by Fulton County voters (outside the City of Atlanta) in November 2021 and will be used exclusively for transportation projects.

Roswell’s Grimes Bridge Road Corridor Improvement Project will tie into GDOT’s SR 400 Express Lanes Project, as well as the City’s Riverside Complete Street Project. Please note that this project is independent from GDOT’s proposed work on the SR 400 project and will be designed and constructed separately from GDOT’s project.

For more information and to pre-register for the May 4 virtual meeting, visit

City Reports