About The Georgia Sun

This website is about you and the state you love.
"Seeing Savannah, Georgia" by tvdflickr is licensed under CC BY

This website is about you and the state you love.

What We Are: The Georgia Sun is an independent news and infotainment website devoted to all things Georgia. We believe the news doesn’t have to be stuffy and staying informed need not be boring. Here you will find a casual take on the news and important issues of the day, broken down into an easy to digest format.

This website is all about The Peach State, its people, its places, its happenings, and its continuing story. Whether you’re a newcomer or a Georgia native, you can find something new  to learn about here.

What We Are Not: We are not a traditional media outlet and we are not a newspaper. While our name sounds like a newspaper, we do not now nor have we ever had a print edition. Here you will find a fresh take on the news. We do not cater to traditional news audiences and we don’t do the things that traditional news outlets do. We do not have paywalls, e-editions, or subscriptions.

What About Political Bias?: We believe that everything doesn’t have to be political or politicized. As a news source, we tell you the events of the day. We do not carry a political leaning or bias — we present the facts, issues, and problems in the community and allow our readers and communities to determine what that means for them politically. When your elected officials do something questionable, we will report it. When your elected officials do something wrong, we will report it. When your elected officials do something good, we will report it. Reporting the news is not political. You as the reader can interpret the facts for yourself and we will put them out there for you along with telling you the bigger picture and giving some analysis when the news warrants it.

What Are Conversation Starters?: Journalism is the first draft of history. It is not the final word, nor is it the complete story — that comes later once all details have had time to be evaluated and analyzed. We are however a conversation starter, which is why at the bottom of some articles you will find questions to start a conversation. This can be a conversation with your family, your community, or your elected officials. We report what is happening — you have the power to make changes in your community based on what you read and know.

It’s Free?: We provide news that is free for you to read. Our website is ad supported because something has to pay the bills in order to provide free news to our audience. We may occasionally ask for contributions to support our work, but it is not required, there are no commitments, and you do not have to pay to read news. Even our email newsletters are completely free.