The Fulton County Sheriff is Being Sued by an Alpharetta Tech Company: Here’s Why

June 8, 2024
1 min read
📜 The Gist: The Fulton County Sheriff is being sued by an Alpharetta-based tech company for allegedly breaching a contract. The lawsuit claims the Sheriff's Office failed to pay for services rendered.
Pat Labat

📜 The Gist: The Fulton County Sheriff is being sued by an Alpharetta-based tech company for allegedly breaching a contract. The lawsuit claims the Sheriff’s Office failed to pay for services rendered.

💡 Why It Matters: This lawsuit could have significant financial and operational implications for the Sheriff’s Office and could affect future contracts with tech companies.

📊 What’s Happening:

The lawsuit was filed in the Fulton County Superior Court. The tech company, Talitrix, alleges that the Sheriff’s Office did not fulfill its payment obligations.

  • The tech company claims it is owed $865,000.
  • The Sheriff’s Office allegedly did not receive the promised technology on time.

🔍 Between the Lines:

The tech company argues that the delays and subpar technology have caused operational disruptions for the Sheriff’s Office.

  • The Sheriff’s Office is seeking damages for financial losses.
  • The tech company denies any wrongdoing and is preparing a defense.

🏛️ Catch Up Quick:

The contract was meant to provide advanced technology solutions to the Sheriff’s Office.

  • The tech company was responsible for deploying software and hardware.
  • The Sheriff’s Office claims the technology did not meet the specified requirements.