Pollen Count Continues to Creep Up in Georgia

April 26, 2024
1 min read
"Pollen" by alastairvance is licensed under CC BY 2.0

🌳 The Gist: Statewide pollen levels have escalated sharply to a count of 229, marking a consistent rise over the week. Yesterday’s count was 196. These counts are considered high, but not extremely high.

💡 The Details: Across the state, residents are facing high levels of tree, grass, and weed pollen, with the total count surging to 229 today from yesterday’s 196. The humidity is currently at 49%, which can influence pollen dispersal and affect allergy sufferers.

📈 By The Numbers:

  • Total Pollen Count for April 26: 229
  • Humidity: 49%
  • Increase from Previous Day: 33 points
  • Weeklong Trend: Rising counts each day

🔬 The Big Picture: This spike is part of a broader trend typically seen in spring, where flowering plants and warmer weather contribute to higher pollen production.

🚫 What You Can Do: Residents are advised to monitor local air quality reports, limit outdoor activities when counts are high, and follow medical advice to manage allergy symptoms.

📆 What’s Next?: Pollen counts are expected to fluctuate but may remain high during the peak spring season. Updates will follow as conditions change.

🌴 Fast Fact: For over 80 years, community planners have insisted on planting only male trees, which produce pollen. With few to no female trees around, the pollen is not absorbed, which leads to higher pollen counts in several communities and is why you see an uptick in people with allergies.