Handgun and Constitution

Can Lucy McBath’s New Bill Curb Gun Violence While Protecting Second Amendment Rights?


🎯 The Proposal: The Gas-Operated Semi-Automatic Firearms Exclusion (GOSAFE) Act, introduced by Rep. Lucy McBath (D-GA), seeks to reduce gun violence in America by increasing federal regulation over certain gas-operated semi-automatic firearms, large-capacity magazines, and related modifications.

🔍 Key Provisions:

  • Establishes a list of prohibited firearms based on their inherent lethality rather than cosmetic features.
  • Prevents unlawful modifications, self-assembly, and manufacturing of firearms.
  • Limits high-capacity ammunition devices and outlaws conversion devices.
  • Protects Second Amendment rights by including exemptions based on maximum ammunition capacity for rifles, shotguns, and handguns.

👥 Bipartisan Support: The GOSAFE Act, formally known as H.R.8600, has companion legislation in the U.S. Senate led by Senators Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Angus King (I-ME), Mark Kelly (D-AZ), and Michael Bennet (D-CO).

🙏 Personal Motivation: Rep. McBath, who lost her son to gun violence in 2012, has dedicated her career to preventing more families from experiencing the same pain. She says believes the GOSAFE Act is a common-sense approach to keeping dangerous weapons out of the wrong hands while honoring constitutional rights.

📣 Endorsements: The bill has garnered support from numerous gun violence prevention organizations, law enforcement officials, and educational institutions who believe it will save lives by equipping law enforcement with the necessary tools to keep communities safe.

🔧 Legislative Progress: The introduction of the GOSAFE Act comes as part of a larger push for gun violence prevention measures, including the recently passed Bipartisan Safer Communities Act and ongoing efforts to implement extreme risk protection orders.

🗣️ Your Take: How do you feel about the GOSAFE Act’s approach to reducing gun violence while protecting Second Amendment rights? Share your thoughts on the potential impact of this legislation and the importance of finding common ground on this critical issue in the comments below.

🇺🇸 About Representing You: This is an ongoing series of news stories devoted to how the officials elected and appointed to represent you are voting and how they are spending their time and your tax dollars.

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