New Study Shows Georgia Families Are Among the Unhappiest in the Nation

December 10, 2023
1 min read
From above crop people enjoying festive dinner with snacks at garden table with candles burning
Photo by Askar Abayev on Pexels

📊 The Gist: A recent Mixbook survey ranks Georgia as the 10th state with the least happy families, while Atlanta stands as the 8th city nationally in this category.

🔍 The Details: In a nationwide study by Mixbook, which surveyed 1,969 Americans, insights into family happiness were gathered. The results indicated that Georgia, as a state, and Atlanta, as a city, are among the lower ranks in the U.S. for family happiness.

📈 By The Numbers:

  • 26% of Georgia’s residents report daily family contact.
  • 19% express a need for more family bonding time.
  • 38% rarely experience serious family arguments.
  • 47% feel they have positive relations with their families.

🔙 In Context: The findings come at a time of significant social and technological changes, which are impacting family dynamics and overall happiness.

📌 Why It Matters: These rankings are crucial for understanding family satisfaction levels in Georgia and Atlanta, highlighting the need for enhanced family interaction and bonding.

🔮 What’s Next?: Future research may focus on identifying specific factors that contribute to these lower happiness rankings, aiming to improve family relationships and overall well-being.