Here’s How Bad Bullying Really Is for Georgia Students


The Gist: Georgia’s youth face rising bullying issues, ranking 7th in the nation for bullying.

The Details: A recent study by WalletHub explored bullying across the U.S., analyzing 47 states and D.C. using 20 key metrics. These metrics delve deep – from physical fights at school to the cost schools bear due to bullying-related truancies.

By The Numbers:

  • Georgia ranks 7th overall.
  • 3rd in high school students involved in physical fights.
  • 6th in high school students attempting suicide.
  • 9th in truancy costs for schools due to bullying.
  • 9th in anti-bullying laws & policies.
  • 2nd in laws against cyberbullying that require schools to have a policy.

In Context: As the digital age grows, so does cyberbullying. Georgia’s stringent laws against it suggest the state’s awareness of its dangers.

Why It Matters: Bullying’s impact is more than just schoolyard taunts. It extends to mental health, school finances, and the overall well-being of students.

How You Can Help: Talk to your child about bullying. Attend PTA and school board meetings and find out what your school and school district are doing to combat bullying. Realize that the bullying students face today isn’t because they are weak or need to “toughen up,” it is different now with the added reach and spread of social media.

If you are a student reading this, the data shows that you are not alone, it isn’t something wrong with you, and bullying is a huge problem statewide. Talk to a parent, teacher, or guidance counselor about what is going on.