Fugitive Connected to Two Murders Captured in Clayton County


Residents of the Peach State can breathe a sigh of relief as David Kinney Jr., a fugitive linked to two recent murders, was apprehended last Friday in an apartment in Clayton County. The arrest came after a multi-state manhunt involving several law enforcement agencies.

The capture ends days of searching that stemmed from charges against Kinney in two distinct murder cases.

Kinney, who had a fugitive warrant from the FBI’s Denver Field Office, was first charged in Aurora, Colorado for the August 5 murder of Kerris Silva. His trail of alleged violence continued to Georgia, where he’s also charged in the murder of Atlanta’s Jaden McKinnon a mere week later.

McKinnon’s French bulldog was taken during but has since been returned unharmed.

For many residents of both Aurora and Atlanta, this arrest is a significant development. Both cities have grappled with safety concerns, and the capture of a fugitive wanted for two murders will undoubtedly bring a sense of justice to the grieving families and the communities.

⚠️ Reminder: Crime articles contain only charges and information from police reports and law enforcement statements. Suspects and defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

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