Back Door Burglaries Rattle North Fulton: What You Need To Know


🏠 The Gist: Milton is grappling with a disturbing rise in burglaries, where homes are being forcibly entered through rear doors, mainly in the evenings. The break-ins are happening in Milton and the surrounding areas.

🚪 The Details: According to police, burglars in Milton are systematically targeting homes adjacent to wooded areas or accessible drop-off points, breaking in through back glass doors. These burglaries are occurring in the evening, when homes are likely to be unoccupied.

🚔 Police Response: The Milton Police Department has increased patrols in targeted neighborhoods and is encouraging the community to report any suspicious persons or vehicles immediately.

💡 Safety Recommendations: The police have issued specific advice to help residents protect their homes:

  • Use alarm systems and ensure they are monitored, with immediate police dispatch if triggered.
  • Employ a monitored video surveillance system with activated motion detection features.
  • Keep homes well-lit both inside and out to give the impression of occupancy.
  • Cooperate with neighbors to watch over each other’s properties, especially when away.
  • Take advantage of the Milton Police Department’s “vacation patrol request” service for added security during trips.

🔍 Why It’s Important: These burglaries are a serious concern for the community, impacting the sense of safety and security in their own homes.