Answering your questions about the sudden resignation of River Eves Principal Matt Donahoe

April 21, 2023
1 min read
Fulton County Schools is giving more information about the resignation of River Eves Elementary School principal Matt Donahoe, who resigned his position abruptly with just six weeks remaining in the school year.

Fulton County Schools is giving more information about the resignation of River Eves Elementary School principal Matt Donahoe, who resigned his position abruptly with just six weeks remaining in the school year.

To help you separate the rumors from the facts, here is a rundown of what we know.

The Resignation: Donahoe resigned on April 13, effective that day. This stirred concerns and rumors in the community.

Why did Matt Donahoe resign?: According to Fulton County Schools spokesman Brian Noyes, Donahoe cited “personal reasons” for his departure. Noyes clarified that there was no administrative action taken leading up to the resignation and there is no record of any administrative action between the district and Donahoe. It was Donahoe’s decision to resign, Noyes said.

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What about Security Concerns?: In the days following Donahoe’s resignation, the school district sent a letter to parents about increasing security at the school, but no specific reason was given in the letter for the bump up in security. Noyes said the district was hearing concerns from parents about security, but there was no actual threat against the school, however whenever parents are concerned, the district increases security because student safety is a priority.

Who is running the school?: Zone 5 Superintendent Angela Parham has stepped in to make sure the school runs smoothly through the remainider of the school year.

How will the new principal be chosen?: The tentative new principal selection timeline for River Eves Elementary School includes collecting survey data from parents, teachers, and staff from April 13 through April 28, followed by focus group sessions with staff and parents on May 1. Candidate interviews will take place on May 4, and the top candidate will interview with Cliff Jones, Chief Academic Officer, on May 8. The selected candidate will then interview with Superintendent Dr. Mike Looney, Chief Talent Officer Dr. Gonzalo LaCava, and Cliff Jones on May 10. Finally, the candidate will be recommended to the Fulton County Schools Board of Education on May 16.

The Final Word: Noyes is reminding parents that despite the abrupt resignation of the school principal, student achievement and finishing the school year are of the highest importance to the school district and the community and district all need to come together in the name of student achievement.


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