Tesamorelin Peptide: Research in Weight Regulation

April 5, 2024
4 mins read

Studies suggest that reducing visceral fat mass and improving cardiovascular risk metrics without the normal hazards of a direct approach with synthetic growth hormone may be possible. Research indicates that Tesamorelin peptide may potentially physiologically increase the production of growth hormone. What is now known regarding the experimental study, as well as its probable impacts in the context of obesity and its associated action mechanisms, is summarized in this handbook for researchers. 

Tesamorelin Peptide: What is it?

Tesamorelin is one of several tiny proteins called peptides that the organism is believed to use for various vital functions. Regulatory chemicals, enzymes, hormones, peptides, and cell and tissue structures are abundant throughout the organism, as are the fundamental units that make up bigger proteins. 

Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) are examples of hormones that are essential peptides. The original hypothesis was that GH mainly regulated growth, which led to its name. The fact that GH might affect almost every cell in the organism and may have several pleiotropic impacts on tissue development and repair is now considered to be established. In addition to controlling the development and metabolism of tissues, fat metabolism, and cellular function, GH may increase the production of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). 

Several brain systems control the anterior pituitary gland’s ability to secrete growth hormone. A peptide called growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) is one of the main ways to enhance GH and, by extension, IGF-1 levels. 

Synthesized from 44 amino acids, Tesamorelin is a GHRH analog structurally and functionally indistinguishable from genuine GHRH. In addition to promoting GH secretion, scientists consider GHRH to directly affect inflammation, wound healing, immunological and reproductive function, and cardioprotection. The amount of GH that may enter the bloodstream appears to be one possible key difference between Tesamorelin and synthetic GH. A pulsatile release of GH is necessary to break down lipids and produce energy effectively. Continuous GH presentation does not appear to produce this pulsatile GH pattern, whereas Tesamorelin presentation may. 

Tesamorelin Peptide and Metabolism 

A basic familiarity with growth hormones and fat metabolism is necessary to grasp the possible properties of the Tesamorelin peptide within the context of adipose obesity research. Obesity, particularly visceral adipose tissue (VAT), may negatively impacts the organism. Accelerating lipolysis and triglyceride absorption into muscle are two of GH’s many multifunctional features. Enhanced fat, aberrant lipid metabolism and related health hazards are widely suggested to be symptoms of growth hormone insufficiency. Therefore, most of the preliminary studies and animal experimentation, including with Tesamorelin, were conducted on HIV-positive research models on previous cART regimens. 

Lipid dysmetabolism, and in particular abdominal VAT, was a side effect of cART. Research indicates that many inflammatogenic hormones and other peptides may be actively secreted by fat, which is not only a passive tissue. There is strong speculation that VAT contributes to insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and premature death. However, these dangers may be mitigated by subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT). Although it is linked to unusually high levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin resistance, the growth hormone presentation may decrease abdominal fat accumulation in research models with excess VAT. 

Researchers should remember that IGF-I is a multifunctional peptide with potentially paradoxical effects. Increased IGF levels are linked to insulin shortage, dyslipidemia, and growth hormone suppression, while normal levels of IGF are believed to allow for adequate carbohydrate and fat metabolism. 

Tesamorelin Peptide and VAT

Losing weight improves the levels of both GH and adiponectin, which are lower in obese cases. Reduced inflammation, atherogenesis, and greater insulin sensitivity are characteristics of the peptide adiponectin released into the bloodstream by adipose tissue. In contrast to what was seen with endogenous pulsatile GH, neither normal nor obese research models appeared to have a rise in adiponectin levels when presented with Tesamorelin to raise pulsatile GH levels. A double-blind study suggested that Tesamorelin may have significantly reduced VAT in HIV-infected research models compared to controls, but SAT seemed to have stayed the same. Significantly lower serum triglyceride levels were also speculated.

The potential of Tesamorelin in the context of acquired lipodystrophy in obesity has been investigated in two meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials, including HIV-positive test models. The findings implied that the absolute visceral fat appeared to have decreased significantly in both trials. After six months, research models seemed to have an average VAT decrease of 11.7% to 19.6%.

Visit this website for the highest-quality research compounds, such as Tesamorelin peptide.


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[v] Makimura, H., Stanley, T.L., Chen, C.Y., Branch, K.L., Grinspoon, S.K. (2011). Relationship of Adiponectin to Endogenous GH Pulse Secretion Parameters in Response to Stimulation with a Growth Hormone Releasing Factor. Growth Horm IGF Res 21(3): 155- 259. 10.1016/j.ghir.2011.03.009

[vi] Fourman LT, Czerwonka N, Feldpausch MN, Weiss J, Mamputu JC, Falutz J, Morin J, Marsolais C, Stanley TL, Grinspoon SK. Visceral fat reduction with tesamorelin is associated with improved liver enzymes in HIV. AIDS. 2017 Oct 23;31(16):2253- 2259. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000001614. PMID: 28832410; PMCID: PMC5633509.

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[viii] Clemmons, D.R., Miller, S., Maputo, J-C. (2017). Safety and metabolic effects of tesamorelin, a growth hormone-releasing factor analogue, in patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial. PLOS ONE. 12(6):e0179538. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0179538

Studies suggest that reducing visceral fat mass and improving cardiovascular risk metrics without the normal hazards of a direct approach with synthetic growth hormone may be possible. Research indicates that Tesamorelin peptide may potentially physiologically increase the production of growth hormone. What is now known regarding the experimental study, as well as its probable impacts in the context of obesity and its associated action mechanisms, is summarized in this handbook for researchers. 
Special to The Georgia Sun