Canton’s Police Chief Stephen Merrifield is Retiring


CANTON — After nearly four decades dedicated to law enforcement and a stint serving his nation in the Army, Canton Police Chief Stephen Merrifield announced his upcoming retirement.

Merrifield, who took over as the head of the Canton Police Department in January 2020, has overseen the force during unprecedented challenges. Just months into his tenure as Chief, the Coronavirus Pandemic emerged, placing unexpected demands on the department and the city as a whole.

Throughout the pandemic, Merrifield worked diligently to ensure both the public and front line responders received the necessary support. He’s been widely acknowledged for building bridges within the Canton community, particularly in his pursuit of diversity initiatives. Hiring practices under Merrifield’s watch have reflected the city’s diverse demographics, emphasizing the importance of representation.

City Manager Billy Peppers noted the significance of Merrifield’s leadership during the past few years. “Chief Merrifield stepped up into the leadership of our department at a critical time in history. Between a pandemic, social unrest throughout the nation, and a lack of applicants to the profession of law enforcement, he provided a steady hand of experience for Canton Police,” Peppers said.

Among his notable accomplishments are the initiation of the Multicultural Festival, the annual “Kickball with a Cop” event with St. Paul AME Church, and the relocation of the department to the former City Hall site at 151 Elizabeth Street.

The department also saw changes under his guidance, such as the addition of electric motorcycles for park patrols and the inclusion of the rank of Captain—now having three on staff. Merrifield was also a driving force in acquiring additional resources for improvements within the department, spanning from patrol fleet upgrades to improved training to enhance promotions and talent recruitment.

“I would like to thank every member of the Canton Police Department, sworn and non-sworn, for their dedication to our great Community and their selfless public service,” Merrifield expressed. “It has been an honor to lead the finest law enforcement agency in the nation and to be part of such a caring and compassionate City.”

Mayor Bill Grant acknowledged the weight of Merrifield’s departure. “We are certainly sad to see Chief Merrifield retire, but he has served his community and nation well for over 39 years in law enforcement and his time in the Army,” Grant stated.

The city plans to host a retirement ceremony for Chief Merrifield once a current round of promotions is finalized. More details on the ceremony and subsequent vacancy are expected to be provided by the city in the coming weeks.