Inflation Won’t Stop a Record 2.3 Million Georgians From Traveling for July 4th

June 22, 2024
1 min read
Inflation Won't Stop a Record 2.3 Million Georgians From Traveling for July 4th

AAA forecasted a record-breaking 2.3 million Georgians will travel 50 miles or more during the Independence Day holiday period this year.

🚗 Why It Matters: This surge in travel indicates growing consumer confidence and spending power, despite ongoing inflation concerns. It also means travelers should prepare for increased congestion on roads and at popular destinations.

🌟 What’s Happening: AAA projects that from June 29 to July 7:

  • 2 million Georgians will travel by car, setting a new record for the third consecutive year
  • Over 161,000 will fly to their destinations
  • About 100,000 will use other modes of transportation like buses, trains, or cruises

💡 Between the Lines: The travel increase isn’t limited to Georgia:

  • Nationally, 70.9 million Americans are expected to travel, up 3.5 million from last year
  • Air travel is projected to rise 7% compared to 2023, with 5.74 million Americans flying

🚦 Catch Up Quick: Travelers should be aware of potential challenges:

  • INRIX predicts the worst traffic delays will occur on Wednesday, July 3, as people leave town, and Sunday, July 7, as they return
  • Road trips could take up to 67% longer than normal during peak times
  • For Atlanta, the peak congestion is expected on Sunday, July 7, at 6:30 PM on I-20 East from Birmingham

🌎 The Big Picture: While the travel surge indicates economic resilience, it also means travelers need to plan ahead. AAA recommends:

  • Drivers should aim to travel during off-peak hours and be prepared for congestion
  • Air travelers should arrive at airports 2 hours early and consider carry-on luggage to save time
  • All travelers should be patient and prioritize safety during this busy holiday period

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