Georgia is under a state of emergency due to tornadoes that hit Sunday morning

March 26, 2023
1 min read

The Gist: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has declared a state of emergency for tornadoes and severe storms that have caused damage to homes and businesses across the state on March 26.

What Happened: A severe storm system moved into West Georgia earlier today, producing thunderstorms, high-velocity straight-line winds, and multiple tornadoes. The tornadoes and straight-line winds have caused damage to homes and businesses, with the potential to cause more damage as the storms continue to move through the state.

Why It Matters: Assistance from the state is necessary to provide for the public’s safety and mitigate consequences of this severe weather system. Governor Kemp has ordered all resources of the state to be made available to assist in preparation, response, and recovery activities throughout the affected areas. State agencies will coordinate all public and emergency information, activities, releases, and response efforts related to this emergency with the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency.

What’s Next: The Georgia Department of Transportation and Georgia Department of Public Safety will take all necessary action to ensure the expeditious movement of utility vehicles, equipment, and personnel through the state to eliminate power outages.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations limiting the hours that operators of commercial motor vehicles may drive are suspended to ensure the uninterrupted supply of goods and services necessary to respond to this state of emergency, including petroleum products.

The Office of the Governor may continue to issue guidance on the scope of this order as needed through communication media, including social media, without need for further executive orders.

The state of emergency will expire April 3, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. unless renewed by the governor.

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