Are you doing these 4 things to stop the spread of Coronavirus?

August 25, 2020
1 min read
Countdown on the old movie screen. High resolution image with detailed quality.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is renewing his call for Georgians to do four things to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Four weeks ago, Kemp asked Georgians to do “Four Things for Four weeks.” Now that the time on that plea has expired, Kemp is expanding his request and asking Georgians to do Four Things for Fall.

In the event you haven’t heard what the four elements of Kemp’s request are, they are listed below.

  1. Wear a mask when out in public or when you cannot keep distance inside.
  2. Practice physical distancing – six feet from those you don’t live with.
  3. Wash your hands for 20 seconds several times throughout the day with soap and warm water.
  4. Follow the Executive Order and heed the guidance provided by public health officials.

“In July, I asked Georgians to do four things for four weeks to stop the spread of COVID-19. As expected, hardworking Georgians – from every part of our great state – rose to the challenge, and the data proves it,” Kemp said. “As we look to the fall, it is absolutely critical that Georgians continue these four actions. With your help, we will beat COVID-19 and secure a safe, healthy, and prosperous future for our state.”

In a video released Tuesday, Kemp urged Georgians to take these four steps for their family and friends, their faith community and for college football. You can watch the video below.

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