These are the best Twitter responses to Barry Loudermilk comparing Donald Trump to Jesus

December 19, 2019
1 min read
During Wednesday's impeachment hearing, Georgia's own Barry Loudermilk, a republican from Bartow County representing District 11, drew the ire of the Internet by comparing Donald Trump to Jesus.

During Wednesday’s impeachment hearing, Georgia’s own Barry Loudermilk, a republican from Bartow County representing District 11, drew the ire of the Internet by comparing Donald Trump to Jesus.

Loudermilk claimed that Jesus was given more due process by Pontious Pilate than Donald Trump was given by the House of Representatives. Loudermilk later posted the quote on Twitter along with a video of his statement.

As can be expected, Twitter has had a field day with the comparison. Loudermilk also garnered a response from notables like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and his political opponent for 2020. Here is a sampling of how Georgia and the rest of the country are reacting to one of Georgia’s representatives.

What’s your reaction to Loudermilk’s comparison? Was it valid or outrageous? Share your views here.

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