Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Gives $1,000 Bonus to Teachers and State Employees

December 18, 2023
1 min read

📰 The Gist: Governor Brian Kemp announced a $1,000 bonus for the state’s 308,000 state employees and educators in Georgia, along with significant funding for school safety measures.

🏛️ The Details: In Atlanta, Kemp, accompanied by key state officials, unveiled two major initiatives. The first is a retention pay supplement of $1,000 for roughly 112,000 state employees and 196,000 educators and school support staff. The second initiative focuses on enhancing school safety across Georgia, allocating $45,000 to every public school for personnel or infrastructure improvements to bolster campus security.

💰 By The Numbers:

  • $1,000 retention pay supplement for each of the approximately 308,000 state employees and educators.
  • $330 million allocated for these one-time pay supplements.
  • Over $100 million proposed for ongoing annual funding for local K-12 school security and safety.
  • Previous school safety grants totaled $185 million.

📚 In Context: Kemp’s actions follow a period marked by the pandemic, social unrest, and other challenges where state employees have shown dedication and adaptability. These initiatives are part of Kemp’s Amended 2024 budget, reflecting his administration’s commitment to education and public service workforce. His tenure has seen a $7,000 raise for teachers and what his office calls record K-12 funding levels.

🔍 Why It Matters: The retention pay supplement acknowledges the hard work of state employees during challenging times, aiming to boost morale and appreciation. The school safety funding addresses growing concerns about campus security, providing resources for improvements and demonstrating a commitment to student and staff safety.

📢 What’s Next?: The measures are not a done deal just yet though. The proposed budget, including these initiatives, will be submitted to the General Assembly in January 2024 for approval. The focus will be on securing the necessary legislative support to implement these measures effectively.

🤝 What You Can Do: Georgia residents can follow the legislative process, provide feedback to their local representatives, and stay informed about the impact of these initiatives in their communities and schools.