Are You Showering Smart? Cobb County Wants to Help

October 5, 2023
1 min read
Are you showering smart? It's a question Cobb County officials are encouraging residents to consider.

Are you showering smart? It’s a question Cobb County officials are encouraging residents to consider.

Amid the routine rush of soap and rinse, lies a chance to make a notable difference in water consumption. The daily dance with the droplets accounts for a substantial 20 percent of indoor water usage, a figure that has now caught the vigilant eye of Cobb Water system officials and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Taking a cue, Cobb County is extending a hand to residents, offering a pathway to smarter showering habits.

According to the water system, a simple switch from an old showerhead to a WaterSense labeled model from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency can be a game-changer. And to make this transition smoother, a free indoor water saver kit is available. This kit, more than just a showerhead, includes aerators and leak detector tablets, acting as a trio in your fight against water wastage.

Cobb County is also reminding residents of its Toilet Rebate Program, an initiative aimed at further reducing household water usage.

Residents can dive deeper into these water-saving initiatives, by visiting this website.