Milton Launches Program to Slow Down Speeding in Neighborhoods

February 22, 2024
1 min read

🚗 The Gist: A new Residential Speed Zone program in Milton aims to curb speeding and enhance safety on neighborhood streets.

🔍 The Details: Milton’s City Council greenlit the initiative on Wednesday night, enabling neighborhoods to apply for measures that slow down traffic. This program, stemming from a Local Road Safety Plan adopted in August 2022, requires neighborhoods to meet certain criteria, including a minimum daily traffic volume and significant resident support. The initiative offers a structured approach to tackling speeding with the backing of Milton Police for enforcement.

📊 By The Numbers:

  • Speed limits of 25 or 30 mph in potential zones
  • A minimum of 100 vehicles per day needed to qualify
  • At least 67% resident support required for application

🌐 The Big Picture: The program is part of Milton’s broader efforts to address road safety concerns highlighted in the 2022 Local Road Safety Plan. It reflects a growing trend of municipalities taking targeted actions to enhance pedestrian and resident safety in residential areas.

🛠 What You Can Do: Residents interested in applying for a Residential Speed Zone in their area can look out for the application form soon to be available on Milton’s official website.

📅 What’s Next?: With the program’s approval, city officials will start reaching out to Homeowners Associations to inform them about the new safety tool and encourage participation.

🔗 Go Deeper: For more information on the Local Road Safety Plan and the Residential Speed Zone program, visit

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