A serious incident unfolded at Ola Middle School in McDonough on Wednesday, when a fight broke out in the cafeteria, leading to one middle school student being slashed in the face by a sharp object.
The altercation has resulted in one student facing criminal charges.
Henry County Schools Superintendent Mary Elizabeth Davis addressed the incident in a public statement, emphasizing the district’s commitment to safety and student well-being.
Davis said, “Our schools are designed to be centers of quality education and safe havens for young people to develop, grow, and succeed. Henry County Schools makes a daily commitment to be a district where every student is valued and knows that they belong.”
According to Davis, a verbal altercation between students escalated into a physical confrontation, and ultimately one student was left with serious injuries.
Davis explained that the incident remains an active investigation, with the school district working closely with the Henry County Police Department.
In addition to the police investigation, the school district is conducting its own internal investigation to understand the circumstances surrounding the altercation and to ensure the safety of all students on campus.
Davis reiterated the district’s stance on violent behavior, stating, “We, as an organization, will not tolerate any behavior of this nature on any one of our 52 Henry County Schools campuses.”
Davis said as both Superintendent and a concerned mother, she is determined to prioritize the safety of students in Henry County Schools. “I go to bed every night and wake up every morning thinking about the safety of our young people, and I will continue to take every necessary step in order to be certain our schools are a safe haven for students to learn,” Davis said.
A video of Superintendent Mary Elizabeth Davis’ statement can be viewed at https://youtu.be/rH5ZnH14oUc.
Thom Chandler
Thom Chandler is the editor of The Georgia Sun and has been writing, editing and managing websites and blogs since 1995. He is a lifelong Georgian and one of those increasingly rare Atlanta natives.