Meet the new presidents of Clayton State University and Atlanta Metropolitan State College

January 26, 2023
1 min read

The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia recently announced the appointment of Dr. Georj Lewis as president of Clayton State University and Dr. Ingrid Thompson-Sellers as president of Atlanta Metropolitan State College, effective Feb. 1.

Lewis, who has been president of Atlanta Metropolitan since November 2019, is a seasoned leader with over 28 years of experience in higher education and nearly 20 years of service within the University System of Georgia.

He has served in various senior leadership roles at Georgia Southern University, Indiana University Northwest, and the former Armstrong State University. Under his leadership, Atlanta Metropolitan has strengthened its partnerships within metro Atlanta.

Lewis was recognized as a 2021 Pillar of the Profession by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.

Thompson-Sellers is currently the president of South Georgia State College where she established new initiatives to increase enrollment, reduce expenditures and increase investment in the college’s technology infrastructure to aid in financial aid and recruiting.

A Georgia State alumna, she has more than 30 years of experience in higher education and has spent almost her entire career in service with the University System of Georgia.

University System of Georgia Chancellor and former Gov. Sonny Perdue said, “Both Dr. Lewis and Dr. Thompson-Sellers are experienced leaders who understand the university system’s top priority is our students and their success, both on campus and in the workforce.”

Clayton State has been led by interim President Kerry L. Heyward since April 6, 2022. With Lewis’ appointment, Heyward will transition back to her role as university attorney for Georgia State University, where she is a member of the senior leadership team.

A transition plan for South Georgia State College will be announced soon.


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