Fulton County School Board Member Resigns: What We Know

July 19, 2024
1 min read

Katha Stuart is stepping down. After nine years on the Fulton County Board of Education, she announced her retirement effective August 31. Stuart attributed her decision to a personal belief in term limits and the practical timing with the new school year beginning.

“I look forward to celebrating the beginning of yet another school year and to visiting the incredible educators I have had the pleasure of serving,” Stuart remarked.

Fulton County local law outlines the process for filling a Board vacancy. However, no precedent exists for appointing a replacement after an election has already determined a successor, as happened on May 21.

The Board will appoint a qualified District 1 resident to complete Stuart’s term, ending December 31, 2024. They will consider the timing and options for an interim appointment until Sara Gillespie, elected in May, assumes the role in January 2025. The Board will announce the next steps at the August Work Session.

Board President Kimberly Dove thanked Stuart for her service, citing her leadership in improving graduation rates and establishing two STEM schools despite challenges like the pandemic. “Katha’s leadership has been instrumental,” Dove said.

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