Augusta park to get new playground thanks to funding from Disney

July 11, 2018
1 min read
The city of Augusta will be adding a new playground to Henry H. Brigham Park thanks to a $30,000 grant from The Walt Disney Company.

The city of Augusta will be adding a new playground to Henry H. Brigham Park thanks to a $30,000 grant from The Walt Disney Company.

The grant is part of the National Recreation and Park Association and Disney’s combined goal of providing one million kids and families with greater access to play.

“The funding will enable us to bring a new level of inclusivity and play to our park system. We look forward to working with our community partners, such as Age Friendly Augusta, to engage the community in this project,” Glenn Parker, director of the Augusta Recreation and Parks Department said.

As part of the national Meet Me at the Park program, the organizations invited park and recreation agencies across the country to share their best ideas on increasing access to play spaces for children and families in their communities. Agencies with the most innovative and impactful project ideas receive $30,000 grants to build their projects.

Augusta’s Recreation and Parks Department will use the grant to support the costs of a new playground at Henry H. Brigham Park, specifically to fund inclusive play elements that children of all ages and abilities can enjoy.

“By increasing access to play spaces, this program will also provide unique activities tailored to the local community that support healthy lifestyles,” said Kellie May, the park association’s director of health and wellness.

The Meet Me at the Park program includes an Earth Month campaign as well, where funding is awarded for local park improvement projects that connect kids to nature, inspire healthy living and provide access to sports. The campaign celebrates Earth Month and the importance of local parks.

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