Only in Georgia: Don’t egg the courthouse or steal from the dead

March 17, 2018
2 mins read
Just in time for Easter, we have some egg-citing oddball stories and arrests that have happened recently in Georgia. We'll start -- rather appropriately -- with one involving eggs. However, we would advise readers to stick with hunting eggs this Easter rather than throwing them.

Just in time for Easter, we have some egg-citing oddball stories and arrests that have happened recently in Georgia. We’ll start — rather appropriately — with one involving eggs. However, we would advise readers to stick with hunting eggs this Easter rather than throwing them.

Egging The Courthouse Is No Yolk
They take egging the courthouse seriously in Glynn County. In fact, it is a felony, as one angry resident found out earlier this month. Angered by an earlier court decision, a 28-year-old took his frustrations at the justice system out on the physical building of the courthouse by throwing several eggs at the windows… in broad daylight… while the courthouse was open… with two deputies watching on the other side of the window.

The rotten egg is now serving hardboiled time and the Sheriff’s office is treating the incident as an attack on the county courthouse. They say revenge is best served cold, but it is also best when not served against the government and certainly not in front of folks with badges and guns who can take you to jail.

Want to know more? The Brunswick News has the details.

That’s Just Dead Wrong
Pop Quiz: What do you do when your neighbor dies? Do you a.) Alert the police immediately? b.) Contact his next of kin? or c.) steal thousands of dollars from his house and leave?

If you answered c, may God have mercy on your soul and also on the soul of a Hogansville man who is accused of handling the death of his neighbor in a similar fashion. According to the LaGrange Daily News, the deceased was discovered a full three weeks after his death, when a city utility worker received a disconnect notice for an address he knew always paid on time. Police were dispatched and discovered the man had died of natural causes, but that someone had been in the home shortly after his death.

The suspect has been charged with felony theft for his plunder and concealment of a death for his failure to report the fact that he discovered his neighbor dead.

Supplying a Fix for Young and Old
You have to hand it to a resourceful couple from Athens who ran a unique business out of their home. According to the Athens Banner-Herald, the couple is accused of selling crack-pipes and alcohol to adults and soda and candy to children. They also allowed drugs to be sold on their property.

So, get the kids hooked on candy and soft drinks when they’re young, and then keep their business when they graduate from a sugar fix to a drug fix. If only they could use that sort of business sense to help children rather than hinder them. As you can imagine, the duo’s “business” has been shut down.

Turning Yourself In The Hard Way
A Gwinnett County man knew he was breaking the law when he drove under the influence while texting and driving. Feeling some remorse for his criminal activity, he decided to turn himself in to the police right there on the side of the Interstate. The suspect slammed his car into a deputy’s parked car and was promptly taken off the streets. Again, don’t do it in the first place, but especially not in front of the police.

Just in time for Easter, we have some egg-citing oddball stories and arrests that have happened recently in Georgia. We'll start -- rather appropriately -- with one involving eggs. However, we would advise readers to stick with hunting eggs this Easter rather than throwing them.
Thom Chandler

Thom Chandler is the editor of The Georgia Sun and has been writing, editing and managing websites and blogs since 1995. He is a lifelong Georgian and one of those increasingly rare Atlanta natives.

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