When Do You Need to Hire A Criminal Lawyer?

July 4, 2022
3 mins read

Finding a criminal lawyer might be the best action to take and defend yourself if you’re facing criminal charges. It’ll save you time and money and possibly get your account dropped due to solid representation before a court.

Aside from getting legal advice, a criminal lawyer can advise on the best approach or the possible outcome of your case. However, contacting an experienced law firm with lawyers who practice criminal law, like those at www.criminallawgroup.com.au, is crucial to take up your matter.

It’s easy to think otherwise and opt out of getting a criminal lawyer when you compare the cost of your charges. But you have limited options if the evidence is against you and you’re running out of time to safeguard your freedom.

Here’s when to hire a criminal lawyer.

  1. You Stand Accused

The legal system has many branches that can be challenging to understand. In particular, a criminal case file can arise from petty crimes such as shoplifting or serious matters like sexual assault or murder.

Whichever the case, defending yourself against the legal system requires an in-depth understanding of the cases and prescribed law provisions. A criminal lawyer will take time to analyze the situation and give concrete advice to ensure that you get fair case proceedings or determination.  

  1. If You Question The Charges Against You

When you reach the point where you need legal representation, there have to be crime allegations from law enforcers. More often than not, it’ll be challenging to present your case yourself if the matter needs further investigation.

First-time offenders can get some consideration depending on their crime allegation, but more brutal readings can befall you if you’re a repeat offender. A criminal lawyer can request the court to release you on bail while the matter is still under investigation. 

In addition, getting a criminal lawyer can help you to preserve your right to freedom if you’re wrongly accused. You could be facing allegations simply because you have a criminal history with law enforcers.

  1. Arraignment In Court

You’re at the mercy of the prosecutor and investigating unit, who present evidence regarding your crime before a court. A misjudgment can put you behind bars when you don’t know what to say before a court.

Criminal lawyers have a way of getting the best deal, and they can tell you what to say- guilty or not guilty- to save you from harsh case determination. Your criminal lawyer can get your case exonerated and walk out of court.

However, your plea can change the course of your criminal case before a judge. If you accept the charges, a plea bargain will follow. And if you deny, the matter goes to pre-trial to determine if you have a case to answer.

  1. Pre-Trial 

At this stage in your criminal case, the target is finding a plea bargain deal from the court. It’s a way to settle the matter amicably and close the file. Otherwise, a judge and jury will get appointments to hear your case further.

A knowledgeable criminal lawyer can leverage the opportunity and get the case thrown out of court due to a lack of substantial evidence. Alternatively, reduce your jail sentence to the lowest possible.

  1. When Going On A Trial 

Law enforcement must prove that you committed a crime by presenting the evidence to the jury in court. The prosecutor may need witnesses to testify and add weight to the criminal allegations against you.

In your defense, a criminal lawyer comes in to question the evidence strategically and can cross-examine the witnesses present in the courtroom. If there’s not enough proof connecting you to the case, the court can decide to dismiss it and have the charges dropped.

  1. Sentencing

By the time you’re getting to sentencing, you must have accepted a plea bargain or faced conviction. Your legal representative will move in to try and get the court to be lenient by reducing your jail term or securing an alternative corrective action for breaking the law. In addition, your lawyer can seek probation if you’re already serving a prison sentence.

  1. Clearing Your Criminal Record

If you’re looking to move on from your past life of crime, getting a criminal lawyer can help clear some of the records that taint your reputation. They can guide you through the processes by first checking if you’re eligible for criminal record expungement. However, it might take longer to clean your records due to the underlying procedures in the legal department.

Final Thoughts

Many situations can lead to you needing the services of a criminal lawyer—some by accident and others through participation in illegal activities. A criminal lawyer can guide you through the complex law by advising you on how best to approach the corridors of justice. In addition, they can represent you before a court and ensure that you get the best deal or avoid going to jail. 

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