Did Georgia’s groundhog, Gen. Beauregard Lee, see his shadow today?

February 2, 2021
1 min read
Did Georgia's groundhog, Gen. Beauregard Lee, see his shadow today?

It’s Groundhog Day — again.

This week’s weather has many Georgians hoping for a quick end to winter. Georgians waited this morning with bated breath, their hopes pinned on Georgia’ own groundhog, Gen. Beauregard Lee, to bring an end to a bitter cold snap.

Tuesday morning. Georgia’s prognosticator emerged from his home at the Dauset Trails Nature center and declared through his proxies that he didn’t see his shadow, or any other scary thing, and that Georgia would have an early spring.

For the past two years, the South’s most trusted groundhog saw his shadow, heralding six more weeks of winter.

Elsewhere in the country, Punxsutawney Phil, the popular weather prognosticator in Pennsylvania saw his shadow and is predicting six more weeks of winter. Hopefully, that prediction only applies to the northern states.

If you want to know more about Gen. Beauregard Lee, or if you were unaware that the Peach State had its own groundhog, you can follow him on Twitter below. This year, as he did last year, Gen. Lee tweeted about his Waffle House hash brown order as well as his prediction.

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