The Public Record: Georgia Senator David Perdue calls separation of children at the border ‘shiny object of the day’

June 19, 2018
1 min read
The Setting: At a senate press briefing about spending cuts, republican senators were bombarded by questions from reporters about children being separated from their parents at the border. Perdue stepped in and ended the press briefing, stating that the debt issue was a crisis and the most important issue in America today.

The Setting: At a senate press briefing about spending cuts, republican senators were bombarded by questions from reporters about children being separated from their parents at the border. Perdue stepped in and ended the press briefing, stating that the debt issue was a crisis and the most important issue in America today.

The Quote: ”I just want to make sure this few minutes that we had, didn’t get hijacked about the current shiny object of the day.”

Background: As you’re probably aware, America’s immigration policies have escalated into a crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. Under an immigration policy the Justice Dept. started enforcing last month, children are being separated from their families at the border while their parents are being prosecuted for immigration violations.

The policy has come under fire from republicans and democrats, and — at times — the president himself. Faith leaders from both conservative and liberal denominations have also denounced the policy after Attorney Gen. Jeff Sessions quoted the Bible in an effort to defend the measure.

The Video: Below is a video of the entirety of the press conference so you can see the comments in context. Several senators spoke about immigration, but Perdue ended the presser at about the 22 minute mark.

Your Opinion?: What are your thoughts on Perdue’s sentiments and the immigration policy? Let us know by answering the poll question or commenting below.

Photo Info: David Perdue” by “David Perdue” is licensed under “David Perdue

The Setting: At a senate press briefing about spending cuts, republican senators were bombarded by questions from reporters about children being separated from their parents at the border. Perdue stepped in and ended the press briefing, stating that the debt issue was a crisis and the most important issue in America today.
Thom Chandler

Thom Chandler is the editor of The Georgia Sun and has been writing, editing and managing websites and blogs since 1995. He is a lifelong Georgian and one of those increasingly rare Atlanta natives.