Atlanta fast-food workers are demanding $15 an hour and unions

October 4, 2018
1 min read

The News: Fast-food workers throughout Atlanta are gathering today at a McDonald’s in Southwest Atlanta to demand the right to a union at McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s and other fast-food chains. They are also demanding a pay bump to $15 per hour.

Lobbying: The fast-food workers aren’t ending their efforts with the strike. They will also begin lobbying candidates and elected officials. 

Following the strike, fast-food workers will also kick off a massive 2018 election canvass in Georgia and 10 other battleground states, knocking on hundreds of thousands of doors nationwide to elect candidates at the local, state and federal levels in November who will support workers organizing to win a union. Atlanta is just one of many cities across the country where workers will be joining together to demand that candidates make “Unions for All” a focal point of this year’s midterms. 

More information: The strikes and canvasses follow a blitz of town halls and roundtable meetings workers in the Fight for $15 have held in 17 cities this year with members of Congress and state and local elected leaders focused on the need for lawmakers to make it easier for workers to organize in unions.

The strikes and protests by the Fight for $15 come on the heels of a walkout by McDonald’s workers last month in protest of what they allege as sexual harassment at the fast-food giant. Among other demands, cooks and cashiers are calling for the right to a union at McDonald’s to hold the company accountable for ending harassment at its stores.

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