Atlanta police officer gives shoes to barefoot man

August 5, 2021
1 min read

A post on social media showing an Atlanta police officer giving shoes to a barefoot man caught the attention of the Atlanta Police Department. The department’s public affairs unit looked into the incident and has provided some additional details.

Below is the police department’s account of this act of kindness from an officer.

After looking into the incident, and getting the name of the officer, we learned that it was Zone 5 EW Officer S. Thomas. Upon speaking with Officer Thomas about this incident, she said that while working her shift a few months ago, she noticed a male walking barefoot outside in the rain. She asked him if he needed some shoes and socks and he stated that he did. Officer Thomas left to get some footwear for the man, and returned, but unfortunately, the male she originally spoke to had left the location.

She decided to keep the shoes in the trunk of her car in case she came across the male again. Soon after, while working an extra job at a local grocery store, she noticed a male outside of the location who was barefoot. Officer Thomas then went to her car, got the shoes, and gave them to the unsuspecting man.

Officer Thomas did not have her BWC recording at the time (as it is not required for general citizen encounters) and was not looking for publicity on this day. She was not aware that she was being filmed during her act of kindness. She simply saw a person with a need that she could fill and did so. Officers with APD routinely show care and consideration to the citizens of the City of Atlanta and perform random acts of kindness without seeking applause.

These interactions never make the news. These deeds are just part of any given day for our men and women in blue.

We thank the person who filmed this kind act and who took the time to share with others on social media. It is nice when the good deeds of officers can also be shared publicly, whether that was the intent or not. Officer Thomas’ actions reflect a level of kindness that comes from within. We could not be prouder to have her as part of our APD family.

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