ROSWELL — At tonight’s Roswell City Council meeting, significant decisions are expected to be made regarding the future of the historic Roswell Masonic Lodge and a new parking deck development on Alpharetta Street. Key items on the agenda include a resolution to settle ongoing litigation related to the city’s use of eminent domain to acquire the property and the proposed preservation of the Masonic Lodge as an open-air pavilion.
The litigation, which centers around the city’s efforts to acquire the property at 1054 and 1056 Alpharetta Street, has been a contentious issue. The city utilized eminent domain to secure the land for public infrastructure projects, including a new parking deck aimed at alleviating downtown parking shortages. The property, however, houses the Roswell Masonic Lodge, a building of historical significance in the community.
According to the resolution up for discussion, the city is prepared to settle the litigation for a sum not exceeding $3.95 million. This settlement would allow the city to proceed with its development plans while ensuring that the historic lodge is preserved. Specifically, the resolution proposes that the Masonic Lodge be incorporated into the city’s Green Street activation plan as an open-air pavilion.
The outcome of tonight’s meeting will be pivotal for both the city’s development plans and the preservation of the Masonic Lodge. Residents and stakeholders will be watching closely as the council makes its decisions.
Former mayor Jere Wood, who has led the charge for preservation of the Masonic Lodge says he agrees with the plan to convert the building into a pavilion.
“The mayor and council listened to the citizens and made the right decision to preserve the historic building, built in 1859,” Wood said.
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Thom Chandler
The Georgia Sun is a news and infotainment website devoted to all things Georgia.