rear view of teen schoolgirl walking to classmates leaning on school bus

Are Fulton County Schools a Hotbed for Antisemitism?


Jewish and Israeli students in Fulton County School District are facing a barrage of anti-Semitic bullying, harassment, and threats, according to a federal complaint filed by the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law. The complaint, which has been submitted to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, details a disturbing pattern of behavior that has created a hostile environment for Jewish students across the district’s elementary, middle, and high schools.

Since October 7, 2023, Jewish and Israeli students have reportedly been subjected to a series of chilling incidents, including being targeted with anti-Israel slurs, physical intimidation, and threats of violence. In one case, an Israeli middle school student was told by a classmate that “somebody needs to bomb your country, and hey, somebody already did.” In another incident, a high school student mimicked shooting a group of Jewish and Israeli girls while making gunshot noises. Perhaps most shockingly, a fifth-grade Israeli student was repeatedly approached by another student who declared that they hated Jews and Israelis and that they should all be killed, even going so far as to graphically describe the atrocities committed by Hamas in Israel.

The complaint alleges that the problem extends beyond student behavior. Teachers and school staff are accused of either ignoring or, in some cases, participating in the harassment. A second-grade teacher allegedly told her class that the ongoing war in Israel was entirely Israel’s fault, with two Israeli students present in the classroom. Moreover, educational materials that omit Israel from maps have reportedly been used in classrooms, effectively erasing the heritage and identity of Jewish and Israeli students.

The harassment is not limited to the classroom. At a cultural night event in April, five Israeli mothers were verbally assaulted by a group of Palestinian parents, who called them “Nazis” and spat at them. When the mothers reported the incident to a school safety officer, they were told that the aggressor seemed “nice,” so no action would be taken.

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Denise Katz-Prober, the Director of Legal Initiatives at the Brandeis Center, criticized the Fulton County School District for failing to protect its Jewish and Israeli students. According to Katz-Prober, it is long overdue for the district to take decisive action against what she called the pervasive anti-Semitism in its schools. The complaint against the Fulton County School District is part of a broader effort by the Brandeis Center to address a nationwide rise in anti-Semitic incidents in K-12 schools following the conflict in Israel.

Fulton County School District’s Response

The school district responded to the complaint today. Their statement is below in its entirety:

“We are aware that a group has filed an administrative complaint with the Department of Education. 

We will not comment on the validity — or lack thereof — of the allegations in the complaint and will allow the administrative process to proceed without interference. 

This private group’s effort to depict Fulton County Schools as promoting or even tolerating anti-Semitism is false. 

Like most, if not all, schools across the country, world events have sometimes spilled onto our campuses.  Whenever inappropriate behavior is brought to our attention, Fulton County Schools takes it seriously, investigates, and takes appropriate action. 

Fulton County Schools recognizes the strong feelings that were generated by the tragedy of October 7 and the continuing war in the Middle East.

School leadership has continually communicated with parents and students with the goal of respecting one another and maintaining a focus on learning.”

News You Can Use

Parents and students dealing with similar issues in the Fulton County School District or other districts can take the following steps:

  • Report Incidents: Report any incidents of bullying or harassment to school administrators immediately and document all communications.
  • Seek Legal Advice: Consider reaching out to organizations like the Brandeis Center or other legal advocacy groups specializing in civil rights.
  • Community Resources: Engage with local Jewish community organizations for support and resources.
  • Know Your Rights: Understand Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in federally funded programs.

The Sources

  • Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law
  • Jewish Americans for Fairness in Education
  • National Jewish Advocacy Center

Questions to Ask

  • What specific actions will the Fulton County School District take to address the reported incidents of anti-Semitism?
  • How will the district ensure the safety and inclusion of Jewish and Israeli students moving forward?
  • What measures will be put in place to prevent future incidents of discrimination by both students and staff?

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