New app allows Newton County residents to help students in need

March 11, 2019
2 mins read
A new app will allow Newton County residents to help students in need from their smartphones.

A new app will allow Newton County residents to help students in need from their smartphones.

The Newton County School System has a new partnership with Purposity, an app connecting users with one-to-one needs in their community. The partnership aims to fulfill the essential needs of the students enrolled in Newton County Schools.

If you knew a kid down the street had a simple need – say she needed sneakers for school – chances are you’d help, right? But, it’s hard to know the needs of real people in your community because there’s never been a way to connect people who could really use help with people who want to offer it. 

Enter a new app hitting Newton County: Purposity. Its name comes from purpose + generosity, and it’s designed to connect the individual needs of people near you with neighbors, like you.

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The vision for Purposity is to connect people to doing good the way Facebook connects us to friends and Google connects us to information. And, inspire the next generation to live generously. 

“We live in an age when we can make a doctor’s appointment right from our phone,” said founder Blake Canterbury, adding, “but we have no way of knowing if the family down the street has food on its table or if their children have shoes on their feet.” Purposity looks to bridge that gap locally. 

“I am excited to add Purposity to our toolbox of support for our Newton County School System students,” said Samantha Fuhrey, superintendent of Newton County Schools. “Often, teachers and staff go into their own pockets to help fill the needs of our students; with Purposity, the entire community and beyond can help. As of March 3, we have secured approximately 175 users who have selected Newton County as their community. We must have 750 users in order to begin posting information about the needs of our Newton County School System students. I am thrilled to get started with Purposity and look forward to the great things we can accomplish with the support of our community-near and far!”

Dubbed Your Tool for Good, the Purposity app sends a weekly notification to users with a need in their area. It also features user profiles, which track donors’ giving and allows them to see their impact. The company’s vision takes aim at uniting neighbors and communities around purpose by easily connecting them with opportunities for generosity.

“We wanted to create a way for communities to connect and unite in a meaningful way,” stated Blake Canterbury, founder and CEO. “Our belief is that if you knew your neighbor needed help, you’d help,” he added about the origins of the idea.

Those who sign up receive an alert with a link to a story of an individual in need and can then choose to meet that need right on their phone. The requested item is in hands of the organization in just a few days. It takes one text, under two minutes, and a few clicks to make a difference for a fellow community member. 

To join the movement in Newton County, visit or download the app from the App Store or Google Play.

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