A Tribute to Tripp Halstead

March 16, 2018
1 min read


Your young life had a much bigger impact than your tiny frame could have ever known. You brought millions of people you never met to their knees in prayer. You gave millions of people you never knew hope.

You reminded us that in a blink, in a breath, in a heartbeat, the entire world can change. You forced every parent to face their strongest and deepest fears. Your smile made us smile. When you laughed, we laughed. Your story captivated us. We prayed for you, we worried about you, and we loved you. Your life — though it was only a mere seven years — made a difference. Your life counted.

You taught us to hold our children so much closer. You showed us that endurance isn’t just for athletes. You proved that joy can flourish regardless of circumstance. You made us take stock of what is truly important in life.

This isn’t the outcome we prayed for. It isn’t the ending we hoped for. It isn’t the goodbye we wanted to say, and we will all struggle with that for the foreseeable future. Know that you were a hero and an inspiration. You brought out the best in all of us and we will not forget the profound effect you had on each life you touched.

Goodbye, and Godspeed.

Note: To learn more about Tripp Halstead, click here.

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