County officials search for mystery water leak in Butts County

December 26, 2022
1 min read

A water leak somewhere in Butts County is causing water problems for many residents and so far county officials have not located the source of the leak.

Officials are asking residents to check their homes, neighborhoods and roadways for running water or large amounts of frozen water.

If you see water or ice in large amounts, please notify the City of Jackson Emergency Operations Center at 770-775-8232.

The County Water Authority and the City of Jackson are still searching the water system for a main break or other leaks.

One of the issues is that while there is a service disruption, the water tanks in town will not refill and as those levels drop, pressure levels will drop as well.

Until this situation can be corrected, city and county officials are asking all citizens to conserve use of water as much as possible. This will help maintain the levels of water in reserve as much as possible for emergencies, such as fires, which require water availability.

Remember that with the pressure reduced, water leakage may not be as visible as a fully pressurized line would be. 

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