A devastating incident unfolded in the early hours of Sunday morning as a Gwinnett County Police Officer struck and killed a pedestrian with his car.
The tragedy occurred shortly after 3:30 a.m. on Brook Hollow Parkway near the intersection with Mitchell Road, where the officer, assigned to the West Precinct, collided with 48-year-old Ramon Perez, a resident of Lawrenceville, who was walking in the roadway.
Although the officer immediately attempted to render aid, Perez ultimately died from his injuries.
Georgia State Patrol has taken charge of the investigation, with support from the Gwinnett County Police Department (GCPD) Accident Investigation Unit.
The officer involved in the collision sustained minor injuries.
For more information on the case, refer to the Georgia State Patrol with GSP Case Numbers C000889616 and SCRTC-040-23.