Century-Old Newspaper Has Surprisingly Accurate Prediction About Life in 2023

October 5, 2023
1 min read
Man reading a newspaper
Photo by Ekrulila on Pexels

It’s safe to say that people living a century ago would not be able to comprehend most aspects of our daily lives today, from the technology in our homes to what we spend at the grocery store. One person back then, however, was seemingly able to predict the future just a little.

A clipping from The Delta Independent newspaper in Delta, CO hits the nail on the head when talking about life a century later. Dated Oct. 19, 1923, the blurb—circulated recently on social media—shares a dream a local had about life 100 years from then. 

“Someone described the other night that he was living in the year 2023, and people were going on strike because they only got $125 a day, while the price of eggs had gone up to $10 a dozen,” the paper said of the 20th-century Nostradamus’ dream. 

This is an excerpt from a newspaper 100 years ago: “Some one dreamed the other night that he was living in the year 2023, and people were going on strike because they only got $125 a day, while the price of eggs had gone up to $10 a dozen.” pic.twitter.com/FmW1M1SIfi

— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) January 29, 2023

It’s a dream that has become reality for many Americans today. Indeed, the summer of 2023 has been the summer of strikes, as workers from Hollywood to auto factories have been striking in pursuit of better pay and fairer treatment. $125 a day comes out to about $15.63 an hour for an eight-hour workday—more than double the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 but well below the demands of many unions.

Egg prices, meanwhile, started 2023 on an historical high after avian flu drastically reduced supply. While wholesale prices for a carton of a dozen eggs never touched $10, supermarket prices in some places got pretty close.

Even just a few decades ago, many people believed we’d be going places in flying cars by 2023, so this man’s accurate prediction of life today is eerie, to say the least. Start placing your bets now on what you think life in 2123 will be like.