Macon mayor vetoes bonuses for city employees

July 24, 2019
1 min read
MACON -- Macon's mayor has exercised his veto power to block a one-time bonus for Macon-Bibb employees, citing his desire to see employees receive pay raises in the future.
Macon Mayor Robert Reichert

MACON — Macon’s mayor has exercised his veto power to block a one-time bonus for Macon-Bibb employees, citing his desire to see employees receive pay raises in the future.

Macon Mayor Robert Reichert Thursday sent a letter to Macon-Bibb Commissioners stating he is vetoing the one-time employee bonus approved at the July 16 commissioners meeting.

“I am vetoing this ordinance because I believe our employees deserve to be paid well for the jobs they are currently doing, and spending this money now hampers our ability to give them raises that will benefit them for years, not just once,” Reichert said in the letter.

The $2.3 million dollar cost would come from the County’s general fund.

He stressed that employees deserve to be paid more each paycheck for their work, especially since many are doing extra work with fewer resources.

“I strongly urge that we move forward with a full payscale study and continue holding the line on expenses (or further reduce them) and vacancies this year, so that we can provide our employees with what they deserve and to strengthen our fiscal standing,” Reichert wrote in his letter.

Click here to read the mayor’s letter to commissioners.