Fulton Commission Chair Robb Pitts reminds county residents that driving under the influence isn’t just a night time problem

November 15, 2018
1 min read
Robb Pitts

Earlier this year, Robb Pitts was involved in a car accident in Sandy Springs.  The car Pitts was riding in was struck and totaled by a driver who was under the influence.

The suspect was arraigned in Fulton County magistrate court Thursday, and Pitts took the opportunity to remind Fulton residents that driving under the influence is not a problem that is reserved to a certain time of day or special occasions.

“We must always be mindful that drivers under the influence may be on the road at any time … even in the middle of a weekday morning, as in the case of this accident,” Pitts said.

The accident occurred in April, near Roswell Road at I-285.  During the accident, Chairman Pitts was a passenger of a vehicle of a colleague whose car was totaled and had to be replaced.

According to Pitts, the suspect was arraigned on charges of driving under the influence, open container, failure to wear a seatbelt, a suspended license, and failure to yield.