The Gist: Augusta University is launching a first-of-its-kind Bachelor of Arts in Sports Management degree this fall, set to give students a unique education tailored to sports industry careers. Unlike other sports management degrees in the state, which are Bachelor of Science, the new degree emphasizes communication, critical thinking, and holistic learning.
What Happened?: Judi Wilson, dean of the College of Education and Human Development at Augusta University, announced the introduction of the new degree, highlighting its unique focus on communication, critical thinking, and holistic learning. The program is expected to attract students interested in sports-related careers, offering them a more flexible approach than the more quantitative Bachelor of Science degrees currently available.
Why It Matters: With a focus on individual interests and career goals, the new degree allows students to blend sports management courses with other fields like marketing, world languages, communication, psychology, and business. This degree will provide valuable training for a wide range of roles in the sports industry including communications, event management, data analytics, or business.
By The Numbers:
- The degree requires a 21-credit-hour minor in a related field.
- The College of Education and Human Development expects at least 20 students to enroll in the program in its inaugural year.
What’s Next?: Steven Page, chair of kinesiology at Augusta University, says he foresees a rapid growth in the program’s popularity due to longstanding student interest. He anticipates graduates will secure employment with sports facilities or teams, nationally and internationally. The program’s future plans include hosting guest speakers and lecturers from globally recognized sports organizations, offering students an insider’s perspective on the sports industry.
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Thom Chandler
Thom Chandler is the editor of The Georgia Sun and has been writing, editing and managing websites and blogs since 1995. He is a lifelong Georgian and one of those increasingly rare Atlanta natives.