Crime Beat: Shots fired over bad barbecue

April 16, 2018
1 min read
It's time for another roundup of unique crime stories from Georgia. This week, as with most, the stories focus on the ill-thought-out plans and actions of folks who are either criminals or had a run-in with police. 

It’s time for another roundup of unique crime stories from Georgia. This week, as with most, the stories focus on the ill-thought-out plans and actions of folks who are either criminals or had a run-in with police. 

Those must be some ribs

A 74-year-old Monroe County man who is said to be in poor health, may or may not have fired a gun at his wife because she brought home the wrong plate of barbecue ribs.

The ribs were purchased at a neighborhood cookout, and according to the man’s wife “didn’t look like ribs.” She says her husband fired the gun for a non-barbecue related reason, but he says he was trying to scare her.

According to The Macon Telegraph, police had mercy on the elderly rib enthusiast and released him from jail on the condition that all weapons were to be removed from the home and that the wife was not afraid for her safety. It is unlikely the couple will be attending any future neighborhood cookouts.

Two wrongs can land you in jail

A 27-year-old Bibb County man and two friends had a plan. They were going to walk into the home of a drug-dealer, hold him at gunpoint and rob him of his ill-gotten gains.

According to court documents, the robbery turned into murder after the 27-year-old shot his victim in the face and back, fled the scene, and later led police on a high-speed chase.

According to the district attorney the man “thought he’d get a free pass when he robbed and killed a drug dealer in his own home, but the law protects everyone’s right to be safe — no matter their imperfections.”

Arson attempt turns deadly

Gordon County deputies were called to a home in Rock Creek last week after a family dispute turned deadly.

From what detectives were able to piece together, a man showed up at the home of one of his relatives uninvited and made threats to another family member.

According to the Sheriff’s office, he was shot and killed “as he was attempting to burn the occupied home.” No charges have been filed, as the shooting was ruled to be in self-defense.

It's time for another roundup of unique crime stories from Georgia. This week, as with most, the stories focus on the ill-thought-out plans and actions of folks who are either criminals or had a run-in with police. 
Thom Chandler

Thom Chandler is the editor of The Georgia Sun and has been writing, editing and managing websites and blogs since 1995. He is a lifelong Georgian and one of those increasingly rare Atlanta natives.