Gwinnett Police Mourn Loss of K9 Officer Peper

March 1, 2024
1 min read
Gwinnett Police Mourn Loss of K9 Officer Peper

The Gwinnett County Police Department is in mourning following the loss of a valued member of their team, K9 Peper. The department announced the death of the canine officer on February 25, after a sudden illness related to a mass found near her heart.

K9 Peper was more than just a service animal; she was a crucial part of the law enforcement team in Gwinnett County. Born in Slovakia on June 30, 2017, Peper underwent extensive training at Tarheel Canine before officially joining the force on October 3, 2018. Under the partnership and guidance of Cpl. Caleb Jefferson, she became an instrumental figure in local law enforcement.

Throughout her tenure, K9 Peper answered over 200 service calls, aided in 41 patrol apprehensions, and located 32 critical evidence items, demonstrating her skill, dedication, and invaluable service to the community. Her transition to the SWAT team marked a significant phase in her career, especially after taking over responsibilities following the death of K9 Blue in 2020.

The bond between Cpl. Jefferson and K9 Peper was notable, exemplifying the strong connection between a handler and their canine partner. Together, they worked across various cities in Gwinnett County and collaborated with numerous federal agencies, showcasing their versatility and commitment to public safety.

K9 Peper’s legacy is a testament to her service, loyalty, and the impact she had on the Gwinnett County Police Department and the community she served. Her end of watch on February 25 marks a significant loss for the department and all who knew her, reflecting the connections between K9 officers and their human counterparts. Her contributions and memory will be cherished and remembered as the department and community honor her service and mourn her loss.

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