Dunwoody Police Department Receives Roadmap for Improvement

October 30, 2023
1 min read
Dunwoody Police Department Receives Roadmap for Improvement

📝 The Gist: Consulting firm BerryDunn has completed a year-long assessment of the Dunwoody Police Department, presenting 33 recommendations..

🤔 Why It Matters: The report serves as a comprehensive guide for refining law enforcement practices in Dunwoody, which could have a direct impact on public safety and community relations.

📋 The Recommendations:

Leadership, Communication, and Staff Development:

  • Develop a formal coaching, mentoring, and succession planning program.

Operations and Policy:

  • Develop a comprehensive alternative call-for-service response plan.
  • Create and utilize a report-writing manual to ensure consistency.


  • Hire one non-sworn administrative support staff member.
  • Create a specialized street crimes unit with two investigators and a sergeant.
  • Hire non-sworn field personnel for calls that don’t require a sworn officer.
  • Create three new patrol officer positions.

🔍 Between the Lines:

  • Some recommendations are already in the implementation phase, including new recruitment strategies and pay increases for officers.

🏃 Catch Up Quick:

  • Officers received a 10 percent pay increase mid-year, adding to a 4 percent increase at the start of the year.

🖼️ The Big Picture:

The City Council is prepared to invest in the necessary changes to implement the report’s recommendations, aiming for a more efficient and community-focused police department.

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