Georgia Launches New Statewide Voter Registration System with Enhanced Security Measures

March 9, 2023
1 min read

The Gist: Georgia has launched a new voter registration system called GARViS aimed at improving the security and accuracy of voter registration process in the state.

What Is It?: GARViS is a new voter registration system designed for Georgia. It is a top-down, statewide system that has been developed by MTX, Salesforce, and Transform to replace the previous ENet system. GARViS will host over 12,000,000 voter records, including 7 million active voters, and 833,000 inactive records.

Why It Matters?: The new GARViS system is billed as a significant improvement to Georgia’s voter registration process, offering the highest standard of security on Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program servers.

The Quote: According to Gabriel Sterling, Chief Operating Officer for the secretary of state’s office, “GARViS is a tremendous step forward in the security and accuracy of Georgia’s voter registration system. Don’t let anybody believe there are dead voters voting or double voting in any significant way, because it’s just not true.”

More Information: The GARViS system is the product of over 150,000 hours of development, testing, and training efforts. It will replace the ENet system, and over 100,000,000 voter history records will be stored in the new system. Secretary of State Raffensperger engaged Salesforce, MTX, and Transform to help guide this modernization initiative, leveraging their experience in business and technology transformation.

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