Summer Survival Guide: Is Your Vehicle Prepared for Georgia's Scorching Weekend?

Summer Survival Guide: Is Your Vehicle Prepared for Georgia’s Scorching Weekend?


As Georgia braces for a surge in temperatures heading into the weekend, AAA urges motorists to take precautions to ensure their safety on the road. With temperatures soaring, the risks of vehicle malfunctions increase, posing potential hazards for drivers.

“Nothing spoils a road trip quicker than an unexpected flat tire, an overheating cooling system, or a battery that suddenly gives up on a roasting summer day,” said Montrae Waiters, spokeswoman for AAA. “That’s why it is important to perform basic safety checks before you get on the road.”

Key Areas to Check Before Hitting the Road

Battery Health

  • Securely mount the battery to minimize vibration.
  • Clean corrosive build-up from battery terminals and cable clamps.
  • Ensure clamps are tight to prevent movement.
  • Test batteries older than three years to assess remaining life.

Cooling System

  • Flush the system and replace coolant as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
  • Check the owner’s manual for appropriate service intervals.
  • Inspect hoses and drive belts for signs of wear and replace as necessary.


  • Check tire pressure when the car has not been driven recently.
  • Inflate tires to the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended pressure.
  • Inspect tire treads for adequate depth and uneven wear indicating potential alignment issues.

Fluid Levels

  • Check all vehicle fluids, including coolant, motor oil, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, and brake fluid.
  • Top off fluids with the types specified in the owner’s manual.

Air Conditioning

  • Ensure a comfortable driving environment by having the air conditioning system checked by a certified technician.

Essential Summer Driving Tips

To further ensure safe travels, AAA recommends motorists carry an emergency kit, which is often overlooked despite its importance. Essential items include a mobile phone charger, flashlight with extra batteries, first aid kit, drinking water, extra snacks, booster cables, emergency flares or reflectors, windshield wiper fluid, and a basic toolkit with a tire pressure gauge and adjustable wrench.

In addition, motorists are reminded of the dangers of leaving children or pets in a car. In outside temperatures of 90 degrees, the inside of a car can reach 125 degrees rapidly, posing serious health risks, including brain damage or death.

Additional Precautions:

  • Use a sun shield to cover the windshield when parked.
  • Cover metal and plastic parts on seat belts and child safety seats to prevent burns.
  • Allow the vehicle’s interior to cool by opening doors for a few minutes before entering.
  • Remove electronics from the vehicle to avoid battery drainage and potential damage from high heat.

As Georgia faces a spell of extreme heat, adhering to these guidelines will help motorists navigate the conditions safely, ensuring their vehicles remain reliable and their passengers comfortable.

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