Did Georgia’s groundhog Gen. Beauregard Lee see his shadow today?

February 2, 2023
1 min read
Did Georgia's groundhog Gen. Beauregard Lee see his shadow today?

Spring is coming early. — That’s the word from Georgia’s own furry prognosticator, Gen. Beauregard Lee, as Georgia’s foremost authority on the start of spring emerged from his home at Dauset Trails Nature Preserve in Jackson, he did not see his shadow.

For over two decades, Gen. Beauregard Lee has been the official groundhog of Georgia, making predictions and delighting crowds.

Up North, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and predicted six more weeks of winter.

The tradition of Groundhog Day dates back to the early days of German settlers in Pennsylvania, who started the belief that if the groundhog sees its shadow on Feb. 2, there would be six more weeks of winter. If it doesn’t see its shadow, spring will come early.

According to a recent survey, a whopping 58% of those surveyed said they believed what the groundhog sees on Groundhog Day actually does predict the weather. And before you ask, no, children were not surveyed.

Last year, The Peach State Prognosticator did not see his shadow and predicted an early spring.

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