Lyft wants Atlantans to ditch their cars for a month

September 28, 2018
1 min read

Ridesharing has already changed the way Americans depend on owning a car and how we get around cities – but now, ride-sharing company Lyft wants Atlanta residents to take an even bolder step toward creating a new future of mobility.

The ride-sharing company wants to challenge the idea that owning your own vehicle is the only realistic way to get around Atlanta.

Today, Lyft is announcing Ditch Your Car, a program in Atlanta offering $527 worth of transportation credit to give up their cars for 30 days starting in October in favor of getting around town via shared Lyft rides, MARTA and Zipcar.

Atlanta residents can now register at for the opportunity to be selected for the program and receive credit towards Lyft, MARTA and Zipcar for 30 days.

“The way that people move around cities is changing faster than ever, and we are excited to challenge Atlanta residents to change their everyday habits and give up their car for a month,” said Sam Bond, general manager for Lyft Southeast. “Lyft alone is not the overall solution to overcome transportation hurdles, but by partnering with MARTA and Zipcar,  we are able to create a full menu of mobility options for Atlanta residents.”

Lyft’s Atlanta transportation partners Zipcar and MARTA are enthusiastic about the challenge.

“Every day, more and more people ditch their personal cars in Atlanta and instead use a range of mobility options to get around from car sharing to ride hailing,” said Smokey West, Zipcar regional general manager, Atlanta. “We’re excited to join Lyft in this fun 30-day challenge that’ll encourage even more Atlantans to go car-free. At Zipcar, we’re big fans of any effort to make it easier to live without a personal car.”

Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign up here ( 50 people will be randomly selected to participate.
  2. Once chosen for the challenge, you’ll receive an email with the details of the program including transportation credits!
  3. Transportation credits include Lyft Shared, MARTA and Zipcar to get around the city for one month.
    1. Lyft: $300 Shared Credit
    2. MARTA: $95 30-day pass
    3. Zipcar: $25 application fee, $7 monthly fee and $100 free drive credit ($132 total credit)
  4. The Challenge starts October 8 and ends November 8