When will Brian Kemp be sworn in as governor of Georgia?

January 4, 2019
1 min read
Brian Kemp's road to the Georgia governor's mansion was not an easy one.

Brian Kemp’s road to the Georgia governor’s mansion was not an easy one.

First, he had to get through a tense republican primary where he was the underdog. Then, he went head to head with Lieutenant Gov. Casey Cagle in a runoff election.

After winning the runoff, Kemp faced a strong challenge from democrat Stacey Abrams, who came within 54,000 votes of Kemp’s lead. But, when will Kemp actually be taking the helm of the state’s executive branch?

Governor-elect Brian Kemp will become Governor Brian Kemp on Jan. 14. Kemp will be sworn-in on the first day of the Georgia General Assembly when his colleagues in the state legislature also take their oaths of office.