In a recent study by Test Prep Insight, over half of Georgians expressed support for fining parents of chronically absent schoolchildren, suggesting an average fine of $22 per day.

Should Georgia Parents Be Fined for Their Child’s Excessive School Absences?


In a recent study by Test Prep Insight, over half of Georgians expressed support for fining parents of chronically absent schoolchildren, suggesting an average fine of $22 per day.

📊 The Details: The study surveyed 3,000 parents across Georgia, exploring their views on various aspects of student absenteeism and mental health in schools. Among the key findings, 54% supported fines as a deterrent against absenteeism, while 85% favored requiring parents of truant children to attend workshops or counseling sessions.

📉 By The Numbers:

  • Chronic Absenteeism Rate: 26% of public school students last year, up from 15% pre-pandemic.
  • Suggested Fine: $22 per day for parents of chronically absent students.
  • Mental Health Sick Days: Supported by 73% of surveyed Georgia parents.

💬 Your Take:
What do you think about fining parents for their children’s school absences? Do you believe mental health sick days are necessary for students? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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