Brian Kemp joins nine other governors in demanding disaster relief from Trump and Congress

May 8, 2019
1 min read
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp joined nine other governors in signing a letter Tuesday calling on the Trump administration and Congress to support a disaster relief measure.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp joined nine other governors in signing a letter Tuesday calling on the Trump administration and Congress to support a disaster relief measure.

In Georgia, the measure would send federal dollars to counties impacted most by Hurricane Michael. Kemp joined a bipartisan group of governors from Alabama, California, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, Nebraska, South Carolina and Wisconsin.

“I thank the governors who signed this letter for their strong support of Georgia farmers and their commitment to fellow Americans in need,” said Kemp. “It is now or never for many Georgia families who experienced the generational devastation of Hurricane Michael. I am encouraged by recent negotiations in Washington, but let me be clear: further delay of relief to the people of Georgia will result in families going bankrupt, farms will go under, and hardworking Americans will suffer. I pray that our nation’s leaders will finally realize the dire situation good people in my state are facing. It is past time to put aside politics, stop the gridlock, and pass a bill.”

At issue is the supplemental disaster appropriations for 2019, that will provide support for response and recovery to states hit by natural disasters.

This is not the first time Kemp has called on Washington to assist Georgia in hurricane relief efforts. In April, Kemp released a statement saying that Washington’s inaction on disaster relief “exposes the rotten core of some in Congress. They would rather crush an entire industry – destroying the livelihood of countless Americans – than do something that the opposition party wants.”

In February, Georgia Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue introduced a disaster relief package as well.

In case you don’t remember the timing, Hurricane Michael struck Georgia in October.