Georgia Subway under fire for sign mocking Titanic sub implosion

July 5, 2023
1 min read
Georgia Subway under fire for sign mocking Titanic sub implosion

The Gist: A Rincon Subway franchise stirred up controversy this week when a seemingly insensitive remark was displayed on their sign.

“Our subs don’t implode,” the sign read, a jab at a devastating recent submarine disaster near the Titanic wreckage which led to the loss of five lives.

What Happened?: Visible from Highway 21, the sign’s message quickly sparked outcry online. It even incited a debate online, garnering thousands of comments.

What’s Next?: In response to the criticism, the Rincon Subway franchise removed the offending sign. When contacted by local news station WTOC, the store manager declined to comment further on the matter.

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